Please meet
Baby Patience.

DOB: 17/05/2009

19 inch and 3,1 kg.
sculpt: Tasha Edenholm
reborned by Emme

My  violin teacher would like  to attend summer school in Japan ...
so we are doing some fundrising...

She is much lighter and less vein/capp. mapped as she is *one fits most* baby.

Babywrap, roses for dummy holder and bunny ears and basket lines is proudly made by Emme!

Please ignore date on the corner of pix....I dont know how to take it off...waiting when  dad comes back from work! :)

Little soft...and comfy... 

Lined cane basket to come with her. 

Basket is big enough for her to sleep in 

Little nap with her friend bunny... 

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